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Creating Video Submissions to the Skylight TV Channel

Film a video of yourself singing or dancing, show a tutorial, create an animation, and much more to broadcast on Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago's Skylight TV station for hospitalized children. The Skylight TV Channel is broadcasted to primarily 5-13 year olds.

Step 1: Review Guidelines

Please review Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago's video guidelines for submission to Skylight TV:

1. If using your phone, please shoot in landscape mode (horizontal, not upright) and wipe the lens before filming.
2. Make sure subject is in a well-lit area.
3. Try to shoot in a quiet place. Be aware of ambient noise (traffic, heat or a/c vents, wind, people talking nearby, etc.). If        possible, use an external microphone.
4. If not using an external microphone, make sure subject is close enough to the camera to assure that the device microphone can clearly pick up what you are saying.
5. It’s important to stabilize the camera. Always use a tripod if available. If not, keep camera on a steady surface to avoid jittery camera movements.
6. Please allow for a quiet pause at the beginning and end of the clip giving us room to edit. At the beginning of any recording: always count to yourself (“1000... 2000... 3000..”) and then start actually talking (or reading) (or singing/playing instrument). Count again at the end of your piece (“1000...2000... 3000...”)
7. Avoid wearing white and/or tight “herring-bone” like patterns. (Dark colors are best)
8. Make sure any light source is NOT directly behind the subject (Sun & windows should not be behind the subject (otherwise the scene will be “backlit”)
9. In your introduction, please avoid saying anything like “in this uncertain time” or “scary time”etc.
10. Be sure to speak slowly, loudly, and clearly.
11. Are you bilingual? We would love messages from different languages as we treat kids from all over the world! Spanish, French, American Sign Language, etc.
12. Remember to HAVE FUN!!!!

Step 2: Fill Out Form
Volunteer Form

Thanks for submitting!

Please fill out the form below.

Step 3: Submit Your Video

Save your video as "(Your name) - Grins 4 Kids Skylight TV Submission"

Please share your video through Google Drive with If that is not possible, you can email your video to If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at

Step 4: Fill Out & Send Release Form

After submitting your video, we will send you a release form that allows the hospital to broadcast your video. Please fill out the form and send it back to us at

Step 5 (Optional): Receive a Certificate of Appreciation
  • Send us an email at that includes your name and a quick summary of your video

  • In the subject line of the email, please type the following: "Your name - Certificate of Appreciation"

  • In the email, please include the number of hours you worked on your video

  • We will get back to you with your certificate of appreciation as soon as possible

Thank you for volunteering,

The Grins 4 Kids Team

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